Jesus People Ministries was founded as the Holy Spirit inspired Bishop Isaiah and Dr. Gloria Williams to establish a work of God in the Carol City, recently incorporated Miami Gardens area. The ministry was officially organized as a non-profit church on September 24, 1982.
The first formal church service was conducted on the third Sunday of January 1983, in the auditorium of Carol City Junior High School in Miami, Florida. The church then moved from Carol City Junior High School to a store front shopping complex and grew from twenty-one members to over three-hundred members.
By 1988, Jesus People Ministries Church moved into its third facility in Carol City directly off of Miami's Palmetto Expressway. Here the Ministry continued to grow and went from facilitating three-hundred members to two-thousand members. The Bible declares... And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:47.
As time went on and the Spirit of God continually moved, the vision of God's man servant Bishop Williams continually enhanced. The church then moved to our central location in the heart of then Carol City now named "Miami Gardens" known as "Jesus People Country".